Wednesday, 13 August 2008

A baby sister!

On Tuesday 22 July, mummy had her baby! It was all a bit of a surprise because when I woke up on tuesday morning, mummy and daddy had gone to the hospital and Nanny was at our house. I got ready for school, and then daddy rang to say my baby sister had been born at 0731. Grandad came and took me to school and I was very excited to tell all my friends (and their mums) my exciting news.
At school Mrs Henderson made a list of all the names everyone in my class thought of (Sparkle and Flower being popular choices! I chose Daisy and someone even suggested Martin!). Daddy came and collected me and when I got home I met my new sister for the first time.
Sam stayed at Nanny's the first night, and I stayed at home as I had school the next day. I helped Daddy change her first nappy (which was disgusting!) and rocked her in her crib!
The next day Nanny bought Sam home and for the first time she held all three of her grandchildren!!

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